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1Current Deck Staples Empty Current Deck Staples Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:56 pm


I figured I would transfer this from KC. I'll do the colors when I get some time.

Even though March is coming soon, and the metagame will change, I think it is still important to have a thread like this one.

I will try to update it as much as I can, please help me make this thread as accurate as possible.

Here we go!



Sangan is the best generic searcher around, able to fetch any monster with 1500 ATK or less. His effect is mandatory, and he only require to be send from the field to the graveyard. Any deck that doesn't have a natural searcher for their archetype should run Sangan. He is currently LIMITED.


-Monster Reborn
Probably the most powerful spell card in Yu-Gi-Oh, Monster Reborn allow you to special summon any non-Nomi monsters for any grave (This include your opponent's). This card is also the reason why even decks that doesn't run any tuner should have 15 cards in their extra deck, because you could revive one of your opponent tuner monsters and use him to synchro. It is currently LIMITED.

-Dark Hole
While the Spell/Trap Mass Destruction card got banned, the Monster Mass Destruction card took the spot. This card can easily allow you to turn the tables against an opponent that has field presence. It is also pretty easy to go +1 +2 or even +3 with this card, since it rid the field of any monsters, face-down or not, defense position or not. You can use it before you summon to get a direct path to your opponent life points. It is currently LIMITED.

-Book of Moon
A great card that will allow you to stop your opponent strategies flat by flipping their monsters into face-down position. This effectively prevent them from synchro summoning (You can't sync with face-down monsters) and this also allows you to protect yourself against powerful monsters. The variety of plays this card allows usually ensure it's place in any decks. It is currently LIMITED.

-Pot of Duality
Pot of Duality, or PoD for short, allow you to forge a better hand presence by getting that special card you need. It's effect prevent you from special summoning for this turn, but most of the time it's well worth it. When your deck lack draw power, this card might be your solution. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Mystical Space Typhoon
A 1 for 1 card that will let use get rid of key cards your opponent might have, or a pesky back-row that is preventing you from making your plays. As a quick-play spell card, this will allow you to set it on the field either as a bait, as a bluff, or to destroy your opponent back-row without retaliation. It is currently SEMI-LIMITED.

-Giant Trunade
Heavy Storm replacement. Giant Trunade let you get rid of every spell/traps on the field, right back into the owners hand, usually allowing you to push for game without fear of any back-row. It is currently LIMITED.


-Bottomless Trap Hole
A good card that will allow you to get rid of powerful monsters, removing them from the game. Anything with 1500 ATK or more is a target for this card, and it will stop most synchros from causing you trouble. It is currently SEMI-LIMITED.

-Solemn Warning
In my opinion, this is the superior card between this and BTH. By paying 2000 life points, you can negate any summon (or the effect that summon) from occurring. Where BTH fail to stop priority, Solemn Warning take over with his speed 3, thus preventing your opponent's monster to get their effect off before dying. It's speed also let you use the effect anytime, even during the battle phase. The price is high, but it's worth it. It is currently SEMI-LIMITED.

-Solemn Judgment
The ultimate trap. Solemn Judgment basically negate everything, beside monsters effect, for half your life points. It might seem to be a huge price, but well-used, this card will let you crush plays, protect yours, and win games. A must in any deck, even those that might be using Royal Decree. It is currently LIMITED.

-Mirror Force
What's best than destroying all of your opponent's attacking monsters, while protecting your own? Mirror Force has been a powerhouse card since it's appearance in Metal Raiders. This card can only be used when your opponent declare an attack, however. So be careful, this card might get destroyed well before you have the time to use it. It is currently LIMITED.

-Torrential Tribute
Great card that mostly function like Dark Hole, as a Mass Monsters Destruction card. Used perfectly, if you are able to read your opponent plays, and sees that he is about to summon multiple monsters, using this card at the right time will turn tides and will allow you to win the game. It is currently LIMITED.



-Cyber Dragon
When your opponent control a monster, and you do not, you can special summon this 2100 ATK bad boy from your hand without tributing. His summoning condition and his high ATK make it a good bait for cards such as Bottomless Trap Hole, since your opponent will have trouble dealing with this card right off the bat. This card is also most useful against Machine decks due to the fusion card Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. Usually a must in all Side-Deck. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Thunder King Rai-Oh
This powerful 1900 ATK beatstick prevent anyone from using search effects, and by tributing him, you can negate the special summon of a monster. In short, unless your opponent can deal with him, he will not be able to synchro summon anything as long as TKing stays on field. Mostly seen in side-deck. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Caius, the Shadow Monarch
Perhaps having one of the best effect in the game, Caius can remove one card on the field when he is summoned. Not every deck uses him, but anything that can recycle itself as a tribute or that can easily special summon itself can run Caius. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Glow-Up Bulb
Plaguespreader Zombie's successor. Any deck that mill should run this card. His effect allow him to special summon himself from the grave for a meager price. Even though he is unlimited, you should only run 1 in your deck, since his effect will prevent you from overusing him. It is currently UNLIMITED.


-Mind Control
A lot of deck use tuners to synchro. Sometimes, they are unable to get a non-tuner (or the other way around) to sync. This is where this card shine. Since you cannot tribute or attack with the monster you take control of, it will still allow you to synchro with it or activate it's effects. It is currently LIMITED.

-Gold Sarcophagus
The best generic card searcher. This card will allow you to search for any card in your deck, then put it in your hand 2 turns later. Use this card when your combo require a specific card. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Forbidden Lance


-Mind Crush
A great side-deck card. I would consider this card an "expert" card, as it require you to know what your opponent has in mind in order to counter it. It is well-used to prevent big plays from your opponent by revealing this and calling their key card, thus crushing their strategy. It is currently LIMITED.

-Royal Decree
Useful in deck that require a lot of spell cards, Royal Decree negate any traps that are activated. Staple at 3 in decks that use Royal, and 0 for those that don't. Though most people just run 3 Royal Decree and no other traps, it is still a good idea to run Solemn Judgment, Torrential Tribute, Mirror Force or Call of the Haunted to keep a good defense. Don't forget to activate this card before making your plays, since it will not be able to negate speed 3 traps cards in a chain. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Dimensional Prison
Where cards that destroys get negated by Stardust Dragon or other cards like him, D-Prison will allow you to overcome the most "invincible" beasts by simply removing them from the game. A great counter to cards that use their effects when destroyed and send to the graveyard. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Dust Tornado
Another 1 for 1 card like Mystical Space Typhoon but as a trap. Dust Tornado is well used in your arsenal of Spell/Trap hate, where destroying your opponent back-row is more important. Good as a bait and bluff. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Trap Stun
Sometimes you need to get your plays off, while having a good set of traps in the deck, where Royal Decree would be useless. Trap Stun allow you, for a turn, to negate every traps until the end phase. Good to defend yourself against normal traps too. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Royal Oppression
Mostly used in Anti-Meta decks and Blackwings, Royal Oppression is the bane of all Special Summoning decks, like Plants. For 800 of your life points, you (or your opponent) can negate the Special summon OR the effect that special summon a monster, and destroy it. Since it's a continuous Trap Card, it can be used over and over again, locking your opponent from making any good plays. It is currently LIMITED.

-Call of the Haunted
This card was more popular when Monster Reborn was banned, but it's still powerful. CoTH will let you special summon a monster from your grave in attack mode, no matter the level. It is also good to note that the only way for CoTH to leave the field is if it is destroyed or if the monster is destroyed (Tributing, Synchro, etc is NOT considered "Destroyed", thus leaving CoTH on the field meaninglessly.). It is currently LIMITED.

-=Tech Cards=-


-Spirit Reaper
Indestructible by battle, this card forces your opponent to use their cards to get rid of him. If this card get a direct attack in, it will also make you discard one card from your opponent hand, giving great advantage. A great tech card that can be used in any deck. It is currently SEMI-LIMITED.

-Effect Veiler
A powerful card that can be activated from your hand to negate the effect of a monster on the field. Where powerful cards like Black Rose Dragon might change the battle, Effect Veiler stop them flat. A life saver card. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Sometimes you simply need the opponent monster to be weaker, Gale will allow you that by halving their ATK/DEF. Also a lvl3 tuner, Gale is at his top when played in BlackWing, but can also be part of any deck. It is currently LIMITED.

-Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
Even though OTK decks have diminished over the times, Gorz is still a great card to keep in the deck. Being able to summon a second monster with his effect gives you a +1 too, which can be used for w/e you need. Good hand presence card that'll save your life. He is currently LIMITED.


-Enemy Controller
Acting like Book of Moon (and one of the best Book replacement since the 2011 banlist), this card will let you take control of an opponent monster for a tribute, or simply switch their battle position. This allow you to either get through a powerful monster, synchro with another one, or stop the opponent strategy by taking control of a key monster (Like Debris Dragon) for the turn. A great Quick-play spell card. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Nobleman of Crossout
Most decks like to set cards. Some of them live by them, and destroying that particular monster will put them in a very disadvantageous position. Nobleman of Crossout will allow you to get rid of powerful set like Ryko or GK's Spy for good, thus setting yourself for a nice easy game. Also useful with Book of Moon to get rid of powerful monsters, including the "invincible" ones. Great side-deck material. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Nobleman of Extermination

-My Body as a Shield
Some decks are good to swarm the field, but lack the natural defense to protect them. MBaaS will protect your monsters from destruction effect at the cost of 1500 life points. Since it is a Quick-play spell card, it will allow you to shield yourself from powerful effect likes Black Rose Dragon or Dark Hole, negating and destroying the card in the process. It is currently UNLIMITED.


-Compulsory Evacuation Device
This card is very versatile. It will allow you to protect yourself when you need to keep your monster alive, it will allow you to get rid of powerful monsters or Synchros your opponent might have, or it will allow you to recycle certain monsters effect (Like Caius). It is one of the best Book replacement since the 2011 Banlist. It is currently UNLIMITED.

-Starlight Road
When Heavy Storm got banned, Starlight Road was left in the dust. It is still a very good defensive cards that can be activated when two or more of your cards are in danger of being destroyed. Not only does Starlight Road negate and destroy the effect, but you can also summon a Stardust Dragon from your extra deck! Be warned though, Stardust Dragon was not properly synchro summoned, so if he hit the grave via anything (even his own effect), you will not be able to special summon it back from the grave.

-The Golden Apples

So this was the Main deck/ Side deck staples, but what about the extra deck? While it is important to have a consistent deck, it is also the same for the extra deck. The majority of the meta use synchro summoning and anyone running Monster Reborn or Mind Control should also run the maximum cards in their Extra deck (which is 15).

So here we go again!

-=Extra Deck Staples=-

-Level 5-

-Ally of Justice Catastor
Catastor is probably the answer to any big monsters. His effect allows him to destroy any non-dark monsters immediately, before the damage step. That and being one of the only lvl5 worth mentioning, AoJ Catastor deserve a spot in your extra deck.

-Level 6-

-Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Don't get fooled by his name, this Sea-Serpent monster possess one of the most fearsome effect of all the synchros. By discarding a card, you may put one card on the field back to it's owners hand. This include Synchro or fusion monsters (They get back in the extra deck). Brionac is a limited card and for good reason, his effect is simply devastating. He definitively deserve a special spot in your extra deck.

-Level 7-

-Black Rose Dragon
When your opponent possess the field, and all seems lost, Black Rose Dragon is here to turn the tides in your favor in a flash. When this monster is synchro summoned to the field, you are allowed to destroy every cards on it, including himself. BRD is another synchro that get a spot in your extra deck, for is awesome effect and for the fact that he is the only generic lvl7 Synchro monster worth mentioning. Definitively a game-breaking card that is best used with Cold Wave to ensure ultimate destruction.

-Level 8-

-Colossal Fighter
Ever heard of an invincible titan that kept coming back every time it is slain? It is probably Colossal Fighter, a level 8 monster with 2800 ATK that will special summon a warrior monster from any graveyard when destroyed by battle, including himself. He is also known for his partnership with Armory Arm (another synchro monster) that will allow you to OTK your opponent swiftly.

-Scrap Dragon
This monster take pleasure destroying the field. His effect will allow you to select one card on your side of the field, and one card on your opponent's, and destroy them both. Along with 2800 ATK and the ability to special summon a Scrap monster in your graveyard upon being destroyed, Scrap Dragon will crush any cards in it's way. Just feed him your cards and get rid of your opponent defense, then strike for victory.

-Stardust Dragon
Where some cards are destructive effects, Stardust Dragon is more of a defensive card. By tributing him, you are allowed to negate any effect that destroys a card, and in return destroy it. Being one of the most popular synchro and even though he is considered weak for a 8stars monster (2500 ATK), this beast will defend you time and time again without fail. Be careful of effects that "send to the graveyard" or "remove from play", because SD won't be able to negate it. Also, after using his effect, Stardust Dragon comes back from the grave during the End Phase. Make sure you keep a spot for him.

-Level 9-

-Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier


-Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Machines greatest weakness. CFD deserve the spot if you side-deck Cyber Dragons. The trick: CFD allow you to contact fuse a Cyber Dragon + any or every machines on the field, including your opponent field! A powerful effect that even let you fuse with powerful Machines that might be giving you trouble like Ally of Justice Catastor.


-Level 2-

-Formula Synchron
If you have the means of Syncing two level 1 monsters, definitively run Formula Synchron in your extra deck. This 2stars Tuner monster will let you draw a card upon being synchro summoned. Also, if you do run this guy, don't forget to run Shooting Star Dragon.

-Level 4-

-Armory Arm
Being the only 4stars synchro, Armory Arm doesn't really deserve this place unless you use Colossal Fighter too. Still, he is still useful by increasing one monster's ATK by 1000 (by equipping himself to it) and each time you destroy a monster by battle, this card will deal as much damage than the monster that got destroyed's ATK directly to your opponent life points. Use the Colossal Fighter OTK with him.

-Level 5-

-Magical Android
If you possess multiple ways of Syncing to lvl5, or simply don't like AoJ Catastor, then Magical Android is your answer. Packing a 2400 ATK, this monster will heal you for 600 Life Points at your End Phase, including itself. If you use a lot of life points playing your cards, maybe Magical Android is your best bet.

-Level 8-

-Red Dragon Archfiend
3000 ATK beatstick that destroy anything in defense. RDA is one though monster, but it comes with a price: at the End Phase, you will destroy any of your monsters that did not attack this turn, so make sure you don't summon anything in your Main Phase 2 (Including himself). Otherwise, few monsters can match his strength.

-Thought Ruler Archfiend
Being immune to cards that target is a great ability. Being able to replenish your life points by a large amount (depending on your opponent monsters) is also quite good. TRA is a great synchro summon that isn't seen so much nowadays, but he is well-respected. You will be able to heal life points based on the monster's attack TRA destroys by battle, and with his defensive capacities, it should be easy work.

-Level 9-

-Mist Wurm
The only Generic 9stars synchro monster in the TCG. Mist Wurm allow you, when he is synchro summoned, to select 3 cards on the field, and put them back in the hand. Usually allowing you a direct hit into your opponent life points. 2500 ATK is pretty low for a lvl9, but his effect makes it useful overall.

-Level 10-

-Ally of Justice Decisive Armor-
For a tuner + 2 non-tuners, you get yourself a 3300 ATK/ 3300 DEF monster. This fellow pack quite the punch. Also, If you happen to fight a Light-Based deck, AoJ DA will utterly crush it. For being the only generic lvl10, he sure deserve a spot here.

-=Attribute-Based Staples=-

-Level 5-

-Naturia Beast
Earth-based decks, like Scrap, X-Saber, or Karakuri should always give a spot for Naturia Beast. By discarding 2 cards from the top of your deck, Naturia Beast will negate any Spells your opponent might try to activate. A truly powerful effect that, combined with Royal Decree, will seriously hinder your opponents plays.

-Level 6-

-Naturia Barkion
Another good synchro for Earth-Based decks. Naturia Barkion work similar to Naturia Beast, but instead of negating magics, he negate traps, at the cost of removing two cards in your graveyard. Barkion can negate any traps that are activated beside Speed 3 Traps. A good addition to the team, but he loses to NBeast in terms of effectiveness.

-Level 7-

-Arcanite Magician
This card isn't really Attribute-Based, but require a non-tuner Spellcaster instead. He still deserves a spot on this list for his great effect. Once this card is summoned, it gains 2 spell counters on it. Each spell counters gives him 1000 ATK, and if you remove a counter, you can destroy one monster on the field. If you use cards like GK's Spy, do consider adding Arcanite Magician to your list.

-Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Brionac big brother require you to sync with a water non-tuner monster. You can discard up to two cards per turn, to select and destroy two cards on the field. With this effect, Gungnir can deal with a lot of strong monsters. Mostly seen in decks with Debris Dragon and Snowman Eater.

-Level 8-

-Dark End Dragon
DeD, for the price of 500 ATK and DEF, send one monster to the graveyard. In other words, that means that this dragon can get rid of powerful monsters such as Stardust Dragon or Red Nova Dragon, easily. He does require a Dark monster as his non-tuner monster, but since a lot of decks uses dark monsters, make sure to give him a spot in your deck if you do use them.

This was the Current Deck Staples by LionKingMax, be sure to leave a comment!

Hope you liked!

Last edited by LionKingMax on Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Current Deck Staples Empty Re: Current Deck Staples Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:12 pm

Yami Yugi

Yami Yugi
Likable post and topic which will be pinned to the top of this forum. I liked this guide, but I would move it to strategies. If you use any archetype you can write a guide and official discussion thread.

3Current Deck Staples Empty Re: Current Deck Staples Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:54 am

3E-hero neos

3E-hero neos
Always liked this guide!
Really helpful if you don't know how to finish your Decks Razz.

4Current Deck Staples Empty Re: Current Deck Staples Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:47 pm



-Added Color
-Removed the banned cards for the 2011 format
-Added new cards to the list

Ideas for cards? I played with Doppelwarrior around, and he's good enough since most decks play with their graves (Plants above all). Stardust Shimmer too. Yada.

I might be forgetting some cards, so if you have an idea do tell.

5Current Deck Staples Empty Re: Current Deck Staples Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:18 pm

3E-hero neos

3E-hero neos
Forbidden Lance is gonna be the 2011 staple of the year if they don't touch it Very Happy.

6Current Deck Staples Empty Re: Current Deck Staples Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:04 am


Adv. Duelist
Adv. Duelist
I think we should wait until (a.) some of the new cards get to KCVDS (since this is a KCVDS list, I assume), and (b.) we have the decklists from Charlotte in March.

But that's just my 2 cents.

7Current Deck Staples Empty Re: Current Deck Staples Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:06 am


Andross wrote:I think we should wait until (a.) some of the new cards get to KCVDS (since this is a KCVDS list, I assume), and (b.) we have the decklists from Charlotte in March.

But that's just my 2 cents.

It's not a KCVDS list.

Who's Charlotte?

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