Battle City Revolution
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1Against the Meta Empty Against the Meta Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:22 am

3E-hero neos

3E-hero neos
Hi guys

Here we'll discuss the siding against the upcoming Meta.
Current Meta.

Seeing that Scraps will be Meta next format I think that System Down is a good Side Deck card to (temporarely)stop the Scrap loop. And it's great against Cyber Decks too if you face those.

Against Sabers/Gemini Heroes/(Legendary)Six Samurai we can use Warrior Elimination It simply destroys all face-up Warriors and seeing that only Book can help them escape from this and not any cost, I think it's a great card to side.

Siding against Anti-Meta is a lot harder, you'd have to use something like Divine Wrath to stop their effects or another Counter Trap that stops their vital cards.

Heavily Synchro Decks like Quickdraw Dandywarrior or Plant Synchro are really fast and versatile, the only way to really stop them is using something to destroy their Grave setup like Soul Release It will help you slowing them down and for Quickdraw Dandywarrior you can remove their Dandylions and Quickdraw Synchrons, for Plants you'd better remove their most important Tuners like Debris Dragon, Spore, Glow-Up Bulb etc.

Gravekeeper's are a pain against your Grave setup, be sure to side some Breakers or Dust Tornado's. They are an addition to your probably mained Mystical Space Typhoon(staple in most Decks)giving you at max 8 cards to get rid of Necrovalley(their Ace Card). And of course you could always use Solemn Judgment if you prefer it.

Machina Gadgets can kill you in a turn if you don't watch out, Siding a Summon Limit would totally help you slowing them down and not Special Summoning all of their Machina Fortress.

There are more obvious choices like:
- Thunder King Rai-Oh.
- Doomcalliber Knight.
- Compulsory Evacuation Device.
- Nobleman Of Croussout.
- Effect Veiler.
- Nobleman Of Extermination.
- Etc.

Note: I'm only experienced with KCVDS Meta!
Feel free to discuss this subject.

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